It was a beautiful day today. Just beautiful. I have one word for you. Rain...lots and lots of rain. Pouring ALL day. It came along with the seriously special feeling of water spilling into your tennis shoes, right through those fuzzy socks you decided to wear. Yep - beautiful.
The day did improve though, even if the weather did not. Today, I had the rare blessing of serving someone who serves me and many others but is seldom appreciated. And I doubt that she is ever made to feel like the very special person she is. This woman is the one who does the custodial work on my floor. Joy just shines out of her, and if she can hold on to joy at her job, I have something to learn from her. Today was one of those days that I was so thankful that my job is centered on making others feel special. It made my day that she left for the rest of hers smiling. Being a Mary Kay Consultant has taught me so many things, and today it helped me learn about the joy that comes from simply trying to help someone see the light inside of themselves. That is why it hurts me when people sometimes look at me like I'm just selling lipstick. My job is to enrich women's lives and in doing so, mine's enriched too. Isn't cool the way that works?
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