Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can't Put Into Words

I'm a night owl struggling to become a morning person. Coffee helps. But I just wish I could find something that would help me go to sleep at a decent hour. Oh, and I've gotten better, I really have. For example, at this very moment, I'm considering to go to sleep. The fact that at 12:26 i'm considering to stop whatever enjoyable yet utterly unproductive activity I'm engaging in is real progress.

Never having written a blog (or even something for others to read), I don't really know how this works. I do realize that if you're reading this the only thing you know about me is that I tend to choose the wrong time to do things, I stay up late whether I mean to or not, and I may or may not like coffee. Unfortunately, I'm tired of trying to sum up who I am in a paragraph. First of all, I've come to believe that it can't be put into words. Well, at least not with the average given number in a paragraph. Secondly, I've learned through my love of literature and a very wise English teacher, that life, if going to be seen through another's eyes, must be shown not merely described. It's also a lot more fun that way. I hope that whatever you were looking for when you stumbbled upon little old me finds you and that your life be blessed and filled with at least some things that make you feel a little less alone in this big world we live in. You are never alone - even though at times it seems like there is no other alternative. Thanks for reading - wishing you all the best

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