Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why I'm Doing This

I don't think I ever really considered a blog to be a good idea for someone like me. I always thought that to write about your personal experiences you had to have this extremely interesting life where really exciting things would happen constantly and that would be inspiration enough to share your life with the world. It wasn't until a few months ago that I really understood what blogging was about. I had heard this song playing in the background of a tv show and attempted to do a lyric search, attempted being the key world. The only part of the song that I could remember was "you hold your head up to the sky, you say what kind of blue are you?" But I actually thought that instead of head it was hand (can blame my always perfect ears on that one). Anyway, so somehow, and I can only assume now that it was God stepping in with the help of Google, I ended up on this guy's blog who had named his post after the part of the lyrics I remembered. Well I don't know what it was, but his words moved me. Someone that I had never met, and probably will never meet, was able to reach me on a level that you can so rarely find - and that's when you're actually looking. He was able to say exactly what I needed to hear and in a way that not only pulled me out of my occasional pessimistic way of thinking but allowed me to connect with the world in a way i didn't even know was possible. I never would have thought that a random stranger's words could affect me so much. I mean, every once in a while I would find a book that I would really connect with or a story that would help me see the world in a different way, but the relationship I seem to have with the author of a novel and the relationship that is there with someone sharing their lives is quite different in my experience. It almost as if, in my mind a least, authors are just as real as their characters. If I'm not able to connect and relate to their characters than how would I ever connect or relate to them. On the other hand, if I can see their characters as living and breathing, they become real to me. I'd experienced this in lesser potency before reading the work of Stephenie Meyer. After reading her novels, I was hooked. I wanted more and the first place that I found that did the trick was her website. While I was getting a fix from her bio and Q&A, I consciously realized, I had probably known on a subconscious level for some time, that good writing is not about plot. Plot is simply how the writing takes its shape. It's not what holds it together. And a good writer doesn't need really exciting things constantly happening in their world or the world they've created in their mind to reach others. I'm not saying that I'm a good writer or that I'll reach anyone, but my life was changed enough by a Google search that I'm bound to give it a try. Maybe someone out there will feel just a little less alone and send a smile my way through their computer screen.

Before I go and get some very needed good night sleep, I just want to say that yes, I do realize how spastic I am. I had no intention to write about Stephenie Meyer or published authors at all and yet there the words sit. So if you bear with me my posts will most likely get at least a little better in coherency. Most likely, or maybe I'll just be as incoherent as I feel I am on a day to day basis. And yes, I also know that my grammar is perfect, thanks for noticing. In my world, grammar doesn't exist beyond the rules that I've known since 5th grade so I apologize if your world is a little different. If anything is too bad and just drives you crazy, feel free to point it out and I'll be glad to change it. Thanks for reading and spending a small part of your day with me. Smile. You get to have a tomorrow. Well, probably.

1 comment:

  1. Hi claire,

    thanks for checking out my blog and etsy! sorry it took me so long to get back to you; i don't get notifications of comments (need to figure that out). No, i didnt see the new moon panel.. i didnt see ANY panels actually. i had a hard time getting out of the hotel beds in time. heh.

    I would say blogging and journaling are different. most ppl blog with themes and subjects and not so much personal lives (i think). have you tried its a wonderful place.
